Wednesday, February 2, 2011


100 Double-Unders
75 KBS (70/55lb)
50 Barrier Burpees (BB)
40 Toes to Bar
30 Power Cleans 185/135lbs
10 Muscle Ups
5 Rope Climbs 15′
(that’s 10 of our shorty rope climbs, since we only have 12′)

Walkup’s Story
Written by John Dill
Former CPT, 2nd Battalion
75th Ranger Regiment

I first met Frank Walkup IV in the Infantry Officer Basic Course at Ft. Benning GA. We were assigned to the same squad and were around each other constantly day in and day out. We trained together during the week and drank together in Columbus on the weekends we weren’t in the field. I’ve never met anyone quite like Walkup. He was a country boy, straight outta Tennessee, and he was cool as a polar bear’s toe nails and as smooth as Johnny mother fuckin Cash. He never let anybody or any situation make him sweat. Not the ARMY, the heat, the cold, the rain. Nothing could wipe his million dollar smile off his face, but the man was deep too. Underneath his calm cool demeanor was strength of character and worldly wisdom well beyond his years. He was the oldest of ten kids and he took over the role of protector and parent with his siblings. He talked about them and his father all the time and when he did there was no mistaking the love in his voice. He looked at the world with a clear lens and a sharp wit. He believed that leaving things you cared about or needed to happen up to chance or destiny was bullshit. He believed in going after what you wanted, standing up for what you believed in, anddefending the people you loved with every ounce of your beingand every drop of fight you had until every option was exhausted and he believed every option was never exhausted.
The last time I saw him we were both in Ranger School.We had both been recycled our first time through the DarbyPhase and had spent the last few weeks living in the recycles’ barracks, doing work details together, and talking about our friends and family while we waited for the next class to start. We talked about how once we’d gotten out of the military we’dstart our own small construction company and work and raise our kids together. We talked about how the simple things were all we really needed. Our next time through Darby I hadmanaged to get recycled again, and he had gotten his “go” andwas leaving for Mountain phase the next day. He snuck out of his barracks in the middle of the night and somehow found me in a pitch black barracks full of other recycled Ranger students.I woke up to him sitting on my bunk. There was a smile on his face but concern in his eyes. He told me he didn’t care how I did it but to make sure I got the hell outta there. He said, “I love you brother”, gave me a hug and then he was gone.
That was the last time I ever saw him in person. He went on to Mountain phase the next day and straight through to Florida phase and graduation. By the time I finally graduatedWalkup had already been assigned his first rifle platoon with the 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii; had moved there with his newlywed wife and had deployed to Iraq. He called me from Iraq a few times a month over the next year while I was training up with my Platoon in the 82nd Airborne at Ft. Bragg in NC. From what he said but more from what he didn’t say, I could tell they were in the shit pretty good over there and were suffering some casualties, yet somehow he was able to maintain his same calm cool demeanor. He would have me literally laughing out loud at some point in every conversation. The last weekend before I deployed for Iraq I missed his call and he left me a long ass message. I’ll never forget the sound of his thickTennessee accent on that message. He said a lot but all I really remember as clear as day is him saying, “Listen to me, DON’T COME TO IRAQ, I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU DO JUST DON’T COME HERE”. He said it in a way that he knew would make me laugh but at the same time I could hear a subtle truth in his voice as he said it. I still can’t get his voice saying those words out of my head.
Two weeks later I was in Kuwait with my platoon waiting to be moved into theatre, and I got an email from Frank’s wife,“I’m so sorry to have to tell you like this but I don’t know what else to do. Frank was killed today by an IED. Please call me as soon as you get this.” I called her immediately and sat there powerlessly on the phone in a tent in the middle of the night in Kuwait as her tears ripped my soul outta my chest.1LT Frank Walkup IV died on June 16th 2007 in Kirkuk, Iraq from injuries sustained in Rashaad, Iraq from an improvised explosive device. Walkup was a Leader and a Warrior in every sense of the words. Below is an anonymous quote that was posted to his memorial site by one of his men:
“He cared about his platoon more then he cared about himself. He would do anything no matter if it was as small as giving you his last smoke or as big as pulling guard for you just cause you were having a bad day. He was a loving husband. He was always talking about how much he loved his wife and how he couldn’t wait to get back to her. Myself and the rest of the guys would have followed him anywhere and done anything he asked without so much as a blink of an eye. Not out of duty, but out of just a diehard love and respect for the man. My heart and prayer go out to his wife and family; he will never be forgotten and will be sorely missed…….”
Published in: on February 1, 2011 at 8:52 pm  Comments (71)  

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71 CommentsLeave a comment


    • Are you asking the dead Hero that question?

      • Sorry — didn’t mean to be disrespectful to the hero.

  2. Holy mother…

  3. I like chippers?

    (trying to look on the bright side)

  4. Definitely coming at 5:30 if we are supposed to finish that before work or 8!

  5. “What is it about the HQ programming that you feel you will miss?

    On January 19, 2011 at 10:22 am Scott G said:

    HERO WODs… as awful as some are, those I really enjoy.”

    • Ok, not being sarcastic- thanks, Scott. I did enjoy today’s workout and Laura is right, we shouldn’t whine about a Hero wod- we should be grateful we’re alive to do it. Sorry we need reminding of this, but we’re only human. Now, everybody follow Terri’s positive lead! 🙂

      • I actually look forward to this one, but have been sick for a few days so it may not happen (or if I do make it in it’ll be doubly hard!)

        • Hope you feel better, Scott.

  6. While I was gone- the Commander felt that the unit needed to “up” their physical fitness levels and made it mandatory for all Soldiers (regardless of PT score) to participate in:

    Tuesday & Thursday Step Aerobics at 0500.

    STEP AEROBICS!!!! I have offered many times to create the new PT program but I have been told that what I do is “too hard”.

    So…tomorrow morning…yours truly will be hating life on a little step box following the direction of some happy-go-lucky lady in a leotard.

    • Maybe she’ll have some fun music…?!

    • This is a cruel irony for a hardcore crossfitter.

      • Nice! Only, she violates all of the uniform rules…skin showing, spandex, ecessive makeup…

    • remember: never grapevine left when everybody else grapevines right 😉 oh, and jazz-hands…lots of jazz-hands

      • haha! grapevine and cha-cha. I remember those days.

    • Whoa Whoa! your PT would be too hard for soldiers? Caitlin, what kind of commander do you have? I think he should let you run the PT. You would get those guys in gear.

  7. What a sad story about a remarkable man. My goal for today’s workout: positive spirit.

    • Thank you, Terri. That is exactly the attitude we ought to have.

  8. Class time in the time limit for this workout. The warmup is getting ready for the WOD, and the faster we warm up and get ready, the more time we can allot to getting the work done.

  9. Wish my double unders hadn’t slowed me down so much because I would have liked to have finished or gotten farther. Discovered a knot was missing in my jump rope and once I added it back, I improved. You’re welcome to borrow my rope, but please replace any knots you remove. 🙂
    In 40 minutes I did:
    100 DUs/ 75 kbs @ 44#/ 50 bb barrier burpees/ 40 toes toward bar/ 15 power cleans @ 66#

  10. This workout goes down in reps, but the movements get harder as you go. I’m pretty sure the Double Unders where the best, but then again, I only made it to the Power Cleans. Arms were fried pretty quickly.

    Afternooners, enjoy!

  11. Tough but appropriate workout today in honor of Frank Walkup. Excellent coaching at the 9am class from CStreet and fun trying to keep up with TPoole.

    KB swings at 55#, power cleans at 132#. Made it through the power cleans in just over 20 minutes. Spent most of the next 20 minutes on the HSPUs, 1 at a time with kipping. Unsuccessfully attempted a couple of muscle-ups before the time limit (40 minutes).

    • Very fun chasing you most of the time 🙂

    • You and Poole had great energy this morning. Let it be known that the ONLY reason I allowed you to scale the KB, is that you both will be representing us in ~48 hrs from now at the Garage Games. Couldn’t have you show up all torn up. Hope to get up there on Sun to see you all. GO Team CFRX!

  12. Ok..i am going in…what is a “Barrier Burpee”?

    • If you have a bar with weights then jump laterally over the bar after standing up from the burpee. Really you just need to jump laterally over something, preferably a foot or more off the ground.

      • Is it a back and forth jump? Or just a jump over into another burpee on the other side?

        • Just a jump over and burpee on the other side.

          • ok, and a MU sub? No rings here. I will try bar MUs…but just in case!

  13. I am sick today. And can’t take any meds. And in a conference all day. Ick. I have mixed feelings about missing this wod. Good luck everyone. Make Frank Walker IV proud.

    • Oh no! Feel better immediately!!!

  14. Fun working out at 9 with Aaron and encouragement from CStreet!

    I used 44 lb KB, 87 for cleans, red and tiny for HSPU.

    I tried 5 MU attempts…arms too fried to either to get all the way up or to lock out, then I did 10 MU progressions before doing the 10 rope climbs

    38:20 (I believe)

    • Awesome that you finished this!!

    • I believe that it’s time to Rx.

      • Haha…would have never finished rx…but I am getting to be able to do the 55 lb kettlebell a few reps at a time…the 135 lb cleans would have been impossible…I think my PR on cleans is 105 or something like that…lol!

        I can do rx HSPU if I face the wall but was not sure that was allowed so I didn’t….

        And I didn’t want to hurt myself for the weekend 🙂

        • Like I said, the ONLY reason I allowed you to scale the KB today was that you’ll be representing us on Friday in the GG. Yes, you could have swung the 55, but there may have been lots of singles.

          • I love you Christin!! 😉

  15. Yo, people. If you put knots in someone else’s jump rope, take them out before you hang the rope back up. Found my rope with 2 knots in it today. Not cool at all.

    • This turned out to be highly satisfying. Made it through the following in our 45-minute time limit:

      100 DUs in sets of 10 with minimal stumbling
      75 KB swings with 35#, one set of 5 then 7 sets of 10
      50 barrier burpees, very slow sets of 10
      40 knee raises, sets of 5
      30 cleans 67#, pretty much one at a time
      20 pike push ups, 10 + 5 + 5

      Finally got a tiny understanding of “jump and get under the bar.” The cleans felt so heavy that jumping and dropping under was the only way I could catch the bar. They may have looked terrible, but they felt good. Sweet!

      • Terri, that is awesome!!

    • I did use your rope the other day but I promise I did not put any knots in it!!

    • yo, i’ll tell you a secret place to hang your rope next time i see you. 🙂

  16. Oops. Didn’t mean to post my work as a reply to Erin’s rope knot post!

    Speaking of which, I would suggest that folks shouldn’t use ropes with other people’s names on them without asking the owners first. For those who may not know, the ropes marked with names don’t belong to the gym; they were bought by individual members. Someone borrowed mine recently and broke it, and I had to buy a replacement rope. 😦

    • where are the names written because i dont even know what rope belongs to who…

    • Terri, impressive job on “Walkup”!!

      Amber, I think most folks have a little piece of tape on the handle with their name. I have a blue rope w/blue handle (w/3 knots) & a little tape that says Joy.

      • ok… cool thanks… i used a rope today with some tape on it but didnt know it belonged to anyone.. next time i go to the gym i will see who it belongs to and make sure i ask the person if its cool if i use it… but just for the record, i didnt take any knots out… 🙂

  17. 40:35
    Double-unders were slow today. I felt very tired from the last two days.
    KBS at 55 (RX), 10 sets of 6, 3 sets of 5.
    Toes “towards” Bar- about eye level.
    110# power cleans. 😀 LOVED THESE! My fav part of the workout. One at a time in sets of 5 (do 1, drop the bar and immediately do another for 5 reps).
    Subbed pike pushups (24″ box) for HSPU. TOO EASY! I simply MUST learn to kick into a handstand so I can do HSPU.
    Subbed muscle-up progression for MU.
    Modified rope climb.

    I finished before the 1pm cut-off so I was pleased about that.

    Go in and do this workout. This programming has done wonders for me over the last 6 months, but I have been very consistent. I don’t pick and choose workouts. There’s a method to Rudy’s mad programming, so try your best to just do what is on the board (modify and scale as needed) and don’t think about it too much You’ll be better for it. 🙂

    • Great job Pat! Sheesh!

    • Fantastic job, Pat!

    • You are amazing, moreso everyday!!

    • Thanks, girls. But please see all the mods I did. I know I’m just suppose to accept the kind words, but there wasn’t too much amazing about me and this workout. I’m proud of the cleans and the KBS. Pretty much everything else I need MAJOR improvement on.

  18. I think I’ve reached my posting limit for the day (avoiding work) but one last thing…if you’re thinking about skipping this WOD…don’t. Think of it as work and just chip away at it the very best you can. Every single one of you can do this. You just need to start believing in yourself and get your a$$ to the gym tonight to do it.

  19. Holy wowzers…I swear I tried.

    100 DU (sets of 20)
    75KBS (55lbs)
    50 barrier burpees (sets of 10)
    40 T2B (sets of 10)
    *complete at 27 min and change
    *got to the PC and was completely drained
    attemped 135, no go
    attempted 95 – got 4
    attempted 65 HPC – got 11 and was shaking so bad I couldn’t hold the bar
    ended at 38:47

    Perhaps it was all the DayQuil…lack of strength…or fear of aerobics tomorrow.

    • This AND step?!! You are a machine!

  20. I am exhausted. I am going to hit this one tomorrow at the noon session. Anyone else planning to be there then?

  21. -85 attempted/succeeded DU (ive never been able to succeed at a double under until today.. i was so stinken excited… so with this said, that is why I did 85.. the MOD for double unders was suppose to be 50 attempts but because i succeeded in quite a few i did 85)
    -75 KBS- 44#
    -50 BB Burpees (very slow but didnt rest much)
    -40 knee raises (did these in sets of 2 but only a 3 second rest in between each set.)
    -30 power cleans 97#
    -20 HSPU MOD on 20in box
    -15 mod muscle-ups… i couldnt quite get the form down for the mods so there for i didnt think my attepts counted so i wasnt really counting. pat said i did about 15 so i went with that. i had like 15 seconds left at the end of my 15 and someone was on the rope so i stopped there.

    • Congrats on getting DUs!

    • Yeah, congrats on those double-unders. And good job all around today!

    • Yay!!!! Great job!

  22. In 44 minutes:

    -100 DUs
    -75 KB swings @44#
    -50 BB burpees, sets of 10
    -40 toes to bar attempts
    -25 power cleans @77#, one at a time

    Would have loved to finish this, although I would have subbed something for the HSPUs. But I’m glad for the practice on what I thought were HEAVY cleans.

    • They WERE heavy, as is that 44# KB. Laura strongly suggested I use that one, but my experience with it is that I can barely get it up. (Excuse the expression.) I’ll try it next time.

  23. Here’s what I managed to get done by the 45 min cut-off:

    100 DUs
    75 55# KBs – these took forever
    50 barrier burpees
    40 T2B – felt good to be able to string some of these together
    30 107# power cleans – slow going on these but the most weight I’ve used in a WOD
    20 HSPUs – one at a time and still having trouble staying on the wall
    2 MUs – Neither were with full extension. I tried a few times with full extension but not happening tonight…was lacking all kinds of power, strength at this point.

    Nice job today everyone!

    • beast!!

  24. That’s strong work, Trish! Good luck at Garage Games this weekend!

  25. Finished everything but the rope climbs. This workout exhausted me. Everyone rocked this!!
    100 Double-Unders (yeah, my new rope)
    75 KBS (55lb)
    50 Barrier Burpees
    40 Toes to Bar (finally got a nice rhythm to this)
    30 Power Cleans 110lbs – really got this move today (Laura helped!)
    20 HSPU (blue bands)
    10 Muscle Ups (mod: straight leg on floor)
    5 of 10 Rope Climbs

  26. OK – I actually really liked this one. Modified alot, but protected my back. Still feel great today, the day after.

    100 Double-Unders (my new rope arrives today)
    75 KBS (55lb – glad I did this, alternated 13/12)
    50 Barrier Burpees (BB)
    40 Toes to Bar
    30 Power Cleans (155 – could have gone up more on this 10 rds of 3)
    20 HSPU (black and blue band – 4,3,2,4,3,2,2)
    10 Muscle Ups (modified – need to work on modified)
    5 Rope Climbs 15′ (I only did one before time)

    Burpees and T2B were too slow. Now to enjoy my well deserved day off.

  27. I’m really enjoying the huge 6pm group!

    100 Double-Unders
    75 KBS (70# – groups of 10 then finished w/ 15)
    50 Barrier Burpees (BB)
    40 Toes to Bar
    30 Power Cleans (154# rounds of 5)
    20 HSPU (black and blue band – 7,5,5,3)
    10 Muscle Ups (modified)
    5 Rope Climbs 15′ (4 before times up)

    Wish I was able to rest Thursday, but have to make up Monday’s WOD.

  28. Made this one up on thursday. 55# KB, 82# cleans. 50 D attempts. I made it through 12 cleans. Aslo, I cannot reliably jump high enough to get over a barbell on a lateral jump, so I did a combo of barless jumps and steps.

    • Great job with the monster KB and those heavy cleans!

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