Wednesday, June 16, 2010

HQ Rest Day

Published in: on June 15, 2010 at 8:33 pm  Comments (14)  

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  1. SERIOUS injury from yesterday’s WOD – I hit myself in the face with a ball doing one of my characteristically brilliant wall-ball shots. May be out until the mark of shame is gone or until the emotional trauma of it subsides…..or until I can get one of those padded face masks….

    • Ouch! but don’t stay away just because of that.. 😉

      • Well, I MAY have exaggerated just a bit about the “serious” part…

  2. I was supposed to wake up this morning to hugs from my 3 nieces in Milwaukee. But because delta canceled all 3 flights I was scheduled on yesterday, I was at the gym instead, making up yesterday’s horrific rowing/wall ball wod. because i didn’t mind the rowing/bench press wod, i thought i might enjoy this one. wrong.

    2000m row: 8:45
    1000m row: 4:38
    500m row: 2:18
    14# wall ball; sets of 15 and then 10

    25:41 rx

    • I think the rowing and WB (or in my case thrusters) both fried the legs….that’s what made it suck.

      • Agreed! That’s the big difference btwn this and the bench press wod. Also much more cardio.

    • Awww. Sorry about that Erica. Nothing like little girl hugs and kisses. Hope you get them soon.

      • I’m on my way now!!!

  3. Cabin WOD:

    7 rounds:

    7 DB swings, 35#
    7 DB push press right arm, 35#
    7 DB push press left arm, 35#
    7 goblet squats, 35#
    7 double-unders


    I decided to add the du’s to my wod for practice. 7 is a reasonable number for me to try to do unbroken, so I threw these in the mix. I managed to get 7 unbroken on a few of the rounds.

  4. I spoke with the guy from the HTC and he told me that it really doesn’t matter if your treatment is pre, or post workout. However, your body should be pretty cool (not hot and sweaty) when you get into the Hyperbaric Chamber.
    Please make sure you all are on time for your appointments!

    • So, I am scheduled at 8 for the HT….I saw that people are scheduled for it past 9….would it be possible for me to stick around and workout after my treatment?

  5. made up a WOD to do at home
    1 min L-sit
    10 strict pullups
    20 55 lb snatches
    30 chair hops
    20 snatches
    10 strict pullups
    1 min L-sit

  6. Nice!!

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